It all started when one of our customers said in passing, “Hey, wouldn’t it be nice if we could do so-and-so?” And we thought to ourselves, “Wow, that really WOULD be nice.” But instead of just doing that one thing, we decided to see what OTHER things might be nice. So we started on a new journey of self-discovery. We brought in a UX (user experience) designer (Hi, Juliana!) to start interviewing customers from all walks of life to get their suggestions on what would make not just the app, but our entire program better. The feedback you gave us was amazing!
We began the development process but knew that all the awesome changes that were coming needed a fresh new design, especially after the year we’ve all had. That’s when our UI (user interface) designer came in (Hi, Joy!). She created three very distinct vibes and surveyed both current customers and people who’d never even heard of us to see what resonated the most. She took the pieces from each style to create one master design. If you open the LYLA app right now, you’ll be holding it in your hands!
Along the way, our marketing team (Hi, Tom and Pete and Jen!) guided us toward a completely new brand, an acronym for Love Your Life App: LYLA. It’s a new name for a new app and a new beginning. But we kept all the good stuff: the people you’ve come to know and love. Our technology isn’t Artificial Intelligence; it’s powered by real-life humans who solve problems in a variety of ways and will make sure your tasks are completed more meaningfully than any AI ever could.
We’re excited to show you what LYLA can do, and we’re even more excited about the enhancements that will continue to come your way throughout the summer. We had so many great ideas that they couldn’t all be crammed into one update, so you’ll want to be sure to check back often to see what’s new. And if you’re interested in becoming one of our interview or test subjects, please let us know.
Welcome to summer! Welcome to more free time and a shorter to-do list! Welcome to LYLA.